04 June 2010

Concatenation Is Making Me Write

I rarely post roundups of links, but today brought some concatenations I decided to share.

Children’s science writer Melissa Stewart continues sharing Five Gross and Goofy Body Facts on Fridays, but she still has a long way to go to match the book that Guys Lit Wire reviews today: Why Dogs Eat Poop, and Other Useless or Gross Information about the Animal Kingdom.

The first issue of Jer Alford and Erin Ptah’s Emeralds: Hearts in Oz comic book is on sale. Meanwhile, in a very different take on Oz, Karl Altstaetter continues posting pages from the third chapter of his Emerald City Blues comic.

Bully the Little Stuffed Bull finds a new way to discuss comic-book numbering: in a joint parody of Encyclopedia Brown and 1970s detective TV shows. Shelly the Little Otter Puppet plays the same function as Sally Kimball, Encyclopedia’s enforcer.

[ADDENDUM: I realized I could add yesterday’s concatenation of Dave Elzey applying the Bechdel Test to children’s novels as Janni Lee Simner and friends discuss female friendships in fantasy literature.]

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